Saturday, February 26, 2011
A Silent Cry
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Menyapu Muka or Not?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sorrows and Goodbyes for Eiqakayangan
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Lazy Sunday Post
Its a Sunday today. Oh, begitu pantasnya masa berlalu aye? Hari tu UiTM students were given Thursday and Friday off because all the lecturers had to attend a conference. So, basically, we all got a 4-day's off lar kiranya (including Saturday and Sunday)
Tetapi, walau berapa hari cuti they give us pun, mesti rasa masa berlalu terlampau cepat. Ye lah, hari ni dah Sunday, esok dah start classes semula. Time waits for no man people! Although mind you that hari Selasa ni is another holiday, celebrating Maulidur Rasul :)
Anyway, like i said before I began melalut-lalut ni, its a lazy Sunday and I'm at home alone having absolutely nothing to do. Well, that's not true actually, because I should be using this given time untuk mentelaah buku, but...
...I have no answer for the sentence above, thank you.
Ok, some of you mesti terfikir-fikir, what I use when I clean myself in the bathroom.
Long Time No See Flickr!
Its been ages since my last upload on flickr! I feel so left out! It was not my intention to neglect the photography world, but its just that I never seem to get any photographic opportunity these days.
Yes, the semester has restarted again. In fact, it has been for a while now. And I don't seem to have time to shoot anymore.
Whenever I do have time, I'd go to shopping malls, the movies and all those other boring/routine Malaysian past-times on weekends. And although people nowadays bring all kinds of DSLR's with them to the mall, I don't think there's anything worth shooting in malls to burden myself with a chunky camera hanging my neck. But hey, this is just one guy's opinion so don't start saying otherwise or anything.
Anyway, another reason as to why I don't carry my camera everywhere nowadays is because the other day, my mum called and told me about this one incident...
“Abang, berjaga-jaga tau dengan camera Abang tu. Ayah pesan jangan dok berlagak-lagak, bawak camera tu merata-rata. Sebab baru-baru ini, kawan Ibu punya anakbawak camera, laptop, lens-lens kononnya nak pergi tangkap-tangkap gambar kat Dang Wangi. Lepas tu, tiba-tiba ada enam orang lelaki approach dia dengan pisau dan pelbagai. Lepas tu, habis semua barang-barang dia kena samun.”
After hearing about this incident through my mum, straight away aku pun rasa takut nak bawak camera merata-rata.
That is why I seldom take pictures nowadays. I love doing street photography and shooting people in their natural settings but, that would require me to bring my camera into the public and I just feel it’s too risky. Thus, I am stuck with boring shopping malls, etc.
Oh well, I suppose not shooting at all is worst aye?
Ah sudah, aku dah merepek-repek dah nih. Apa sebenarnya yang aku nak sampaikan dalam post kali ini pun aku dah lupa??
Haishhhh, anywayyyy...